1. New World Order: One World Currency, Economy, Political and Religious System, Marial Law and dictatorship in America, lost of freedoms and civil rights.
2. A great powerful world leader, The Anti-Christ, who can work miracles will arise and appear to save the planet. He will make a treaty for peace in the middle east. He will call himself God and show everyone how they can be like him. He will sit himself in Jerusalem and defy the true God
3. The mark of the Beast being forced on all of mankind. The world leader will make everyone receive a mark, which will be a biological computer chip implanted under the skin of the right hand or forehead.
4. A Seven Year Peace Treaty between Israel and Palestine. This will be done miraculously by the Anti-Christ himself.
5. We will see the rebuilding of the Temple of God in Jerusalem. This will be the third Temple.
6. The Rapture of the current believers. This will be explained away by either an UFO abduction theory or byway of an exceptional evolutionary event or both.
7. There will be two human witnesses for God who will perform amazing miracles. They will eventually be killed to lay in the streets for 3 days. After three days they will come back to life and rise into heaven to testify who the true God is.